The Jordan Glass Times

New issues will be released whenever I have something to say.

Location: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

I am a twenty one year old student currently in my fourth year of a double major in history and political science with a minor in religious studies. I was raised in Thornhill and now now live in the beautiful Northern Ontario city of Sudbury. I am proudly political. Which you will have no problem noticing. You will also find that I am proudly Zionist and proudly Liberal. Of note; my opinions are not reflective of any candidate I may be attached to, nor are they intended to insult or be libelous to any person, place, or thing.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Happy Birthday Gilad

Israeli soldier, Corporal Gilad Shalit has just turned 20.

Gilad is the son of Noam and Aviva and brother to Joel and Hadas. Kidnapped by Hamas June 25 (in Israel), Gilad was serving on Israel's front line in the protection of southern communities. In captivity for 67 days now, it is unknown if Gilad's family and friend's will ever see his face again.

Buses of family and friends made their way south from Mitzpe Hila to Kerem Shalom where Gilad was last seen. "We came here to be as close to you as we could," said Noam Shalit, his father. "Gilad, I love you. Be strong, may we celebrate Rosh Hashana together at home," where words echoed throughout the crowd. However, the reality of the situation was made when Noam stated, "We're not celebrating your birthday, we're marking it." As his wife's filled with tears Noam continued his speech, "...we have come to Kerem Shalom to mark your birthday. We will not be able celebrate this year. I doubt that you know what date it is today, and that you are 20 years old today. We came to where your comrades Pavel Slutzker and Hanan Barak fell. We came to remind everyone that you have been in captivity... we came to remind the Israeli government and the army of their moral debt to you, and that soldiers are not left behind in the battlefield or in captivity."

Supported by Gilad's brigade commander and Karnit Goldwasser (whose husband is still being held captive by Hezbollah) , Noam cut a string of balloons with prayers and well wishes in them, so that they may float up to the Heavens.

Gilad's father refrained from taking a political stance on the issue, but I will not. The instruction for the kidnapping were directly issued by the Hamas headquarters in Syria. The Syrian government, headed by President Assad, together with Hamas, bear direct responsibilty for his wellbeing and fate.

I will not call on his release, because simply put I am not that important. However, I will call on the Canadian community and those that read this to understand the current situation. Please end the protest in favour of Hezbollah and Hamas. End your hunt to end the existence of a free and democratic Israeli State. And end you quest to destroy Zionism in all its forms. Because, as you can see by the recent events in Lebanon, Mainland Israel and Gaza, Zionists will not relent. It is a land that we love.

And I ask that all please pray for Gilad in Gaza, and Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev in Lebanon.


Blogger Jordan said...

He is a person. And obviously you have no respect for that. Of course, I pray for those innocents that must live in war zones. But we must not forget that just as there are Lebanese and those who identify as Palestinian without homes, one million Israelis have been displaced. I trust by you're tone you pray for them as well.

But please, do understand that prisoners are that for a reason. I cannot lend myself to the idea that just because someone is a woman or a child they are innocent. They have unfortunately grown up in lands ruled by terrorism and that seems to be all they know. When I pray for them, it will be that they can one day understand the harm they do to this world.

2:04 PM  
Blogger Jordan said...

I am saying that Israel has an impressive legal system. And when declares someone guilty I believe them. It is the exact same with our Canadian legal system. Moreoever, when someone resorts to terrorism they have given up their rights as people so to speak. I refuse to accept the idea that there is any good reason for terrorism. Simply put it is an illegal act.

I don't see how the statement is racist. The disputed territories and the southern part of Lebanon are ruled by terrorism. Hamas and Hezbollah are terrorist organizations last I checked. And I'm not sure I even have to address the concept of giving terrorist organizations weapons when they already have government of Syria (and in Hezbollah's case Iran) for that.

I do not condone what the Irgun did. Jewish terrorists are still terrorists. I suggest members of the Palestinian Authority elect a government that is willing to talk. They had that with the Fatah. However, the election of Hamas changed that. We know negotiation to be true as the Sharon-Olmert governments had already removed troops from Gaza and parts of Judea and Samaria. We also know that Olmert was planning on pulling out of all the aforementioned area, while returing prisoners to their cells in the name of peace.

What I am trying to say is there is no rationalizing terrorism when there is evidence that exists that shows we were headed towards peace until Hezbollah and Hamas changed all that.

3:08 PM  
Blogger Jordan said...

I also find myself curious about a previous statement you made stating, "I will not pray for them. They're freakin' soldiers; I couldn't care less about their fate."

Tell me, do you feel the same about our Canadian troops risking their lives around the world. Or is this Israel specific?

3:13 PM  
Blogger Jordan said...

I assure you I am no extremist. The use of "Judea and Samaria" is fully accepted. The fact that few use it on this side of the world does not change that. Moreover, the fact that there is dispute lends credence to my claim. The territories are disputed. Quoting and impotent organization such as the UN does not change that. Additionally, I do recognize that for peace to occur there must be a two-nation solution. Unfortunately it cannot happen today.

In saying that your statement is Israel specific you show that you are either anti-Semitic, racist, or discriminatory. I will allow you to take your pick.

I do not believe Jews superior anymore than a Muslim or Christian or atheist or Buddhist or Hindu or etc. would believe themselves to be superior.

I will say this once. I AM a Liberal. I believe in democracy. I believe in fully funded health care. I believe in a child care program that actually gives working mothers an option. I believe in the equality of marriage. I AM a Liberal. More importantly, I AM NOT a Conservative.

4:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i like it

3:13 PM  

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