The Jordan Glass Times

New issues will be released whenever I have something to say.

Location: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

I am a twenty one year old student currently in my fourth year of a double major in history and political science with a minor in religious studies. I was raised in Thornhill and now now live in the beautiful Northern Ontario city of Sudbury. I am proudly political. Which you will have no problem noticing. You will also find that I am proudly Zionist and proudly Liberal. Of note; my opinions are not reflective of any candidate I may be attached to, nor are they intended to insult or be libelous to any person, place, or thing.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Poll says most North Americans support free trade

Let's kick it off by talking about this idea that most Canadians support free trade. Fantastic! (Now some Liberals can come at me on this one.)

Twenty years after Canada and the United States negotiated the FTA, most North Americans believe the deal fueled economic growth, according to a new poll.

Finalized in October of 1987, the FTA was finalized was designed to erase trade restrictions between the two countries. Critics worried it would erode Canada's sovereignty.

But 77 percent of Americans and 73 per cent of Canadians now believe free trade is crucial to North America's continued prosperity, according to an exclusive poll for Policy Options magazine that was provided to CTV News.

Among Canadians, 57 per cent of respondents said their country would be worse off without free trade. For Americans, it was 55.6 per cent.

By contrast, exactly one quarter of Canadians said their country would be better off without free trade, while 19.1 per cent of Americans said the same.

The FTA was superseded by the North American Free Trade Agreement in 1994, which brought in Mexico as another major trade partner.

When respondents were asked if they supported strengthening economic integration between Canada and the U.S., 67 per cent of Canadians said yes.

The poll also covered another sovereignty issue: the movement of people between Canada and the U.S. Despite heightened concerns about terrorism since the attacks of 9/11, the survey found that 58 per cent of Americans supported the free movement of people across the border -- although 29.8 per cent only "somewhat supported" the idea. For Canadians, it was a total of 64 per cent.

So what am I saying? Only what I've always been saying. NAFTA works. Its good for our economy. Its good for the American economy. And its good for the Mexican economy. NAFTA has stimulated job growth and increased value of currency in Canada and Mexico. Job growth. Economic growth. That was the purpose of free trade when Sir Wilfred Laurier supported it nearly 100 years ago. And that was the purpose of free trade when it was impliment nearly 15 years ago. And that is the effect of it today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only reason any Liberal would come at you on this is because you are an avowed Zionist, and everyone knows that the federal Liberals are Pro-Palestinian, and anti-Israel.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Jordan said...

I must say, it is possible. I'm not willing to say this Liberal Party is anti-Israel. After all, there are still people like myself, Irwin Cotler, Susan Kadis, Ken Dryden, Bob Rae, etc. However, it certainly has become pro-Palestinian, but so has every party. Quite frankly, even George Bush has embraced the Palestinian Authority as of late.

10:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

However, it certainly has become pro-Palestinian, but so has every party.

As they should.

7:45 PM  
Blogger Jordan said...

I would disagree. But than I disagree with governments propping up terrorist organizations.

8:19 PM  

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