What did John Reynolds just say?
When discussing with Joy McPhail (NDP strategist and fomer BC NDP Minister of Health) and Martha Hall Findlay (future MP in Willowdale) tonights vote on the Liberal motion to guarantee a pull out of all Canadian troop frm Afghanistan by February of 2009, the comment made by Minister O'Connor was raised. For those who do not remember, he said on Mike Duffy Live yesterday that Canada will be at war for at least ten years. Mike Duffy clarified that he was not just referring to Afganistan but other missions such as Darfur. Obviously both Ms. Hall Findlay and Ms. McPhail raised concern because Darfur has never been talked about with anyone. This is where Mr. Reynolds made the comment that everyone should be aware of.
When given the opportunity to rebutle, Mr. Reynolds made the statement, and I am quoting here, "We don't know what will happen in Iran or Iraq."
Now, I'm no political expert, but this sounds to me like a thinly vailed implicated that Canada may potentially send troops to either or even both Iran or Iraq. I imagine luckily for the Conservative Party, Mike Duffy cut off any response an ended the segment. But perhaps someone could shed some light on this for me. Because I remember rather recently Harper saying Canada will never send troops to the Iraq. Well, here is one of his right hand men not ruling it out.
On a side note, I wish Peter Mackay good luck in his effort to free Huseiyn Celil from his Chinese prison cell. Perhaps he can do something right during his term as Minister.