The Jordan Glass Times

New issues will be released whenever I have something to say.

Location: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

I am a twenty one year old student currently in my fourth year of a double major in history and political science with a minor in religious studies. I was raised in Thornhill and now now live in the beautiful Northern Ontario city of Sudbury. I am proudly political. Which you will have no problem noticing. You will also find that I am proudly Zionist and proudly Liberal. Of note; my opinions are not reflective of any candidate I may be attached to, nor are they intended to insult or be libelous to any person, place, or thing.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

In defense of Cherniak

I do my best to avoid blogging about bloggers, but I feel it necessary to come to the defense a friend and our head of Liblogs.

Every statement Jason made was entirely correct. I will first address Fuddle Duddle attack on Cherniak's statement, "as a Jew, I have a better understanding of anti-Semitism than others." Fuddle Duddle responded by asking, "Oh really Jason, does being Jewish give you some secret insight that myself or catnip or other bloggers simply don’t have?" The to such a question is, "YES!" Of course, Jews have a better understand of antisemitism. Just as those in the gay community better understand homophobia and women better understand sexism. So yes, as Jews, both I and Cherniak have a better understanding of antisemitism. And as I have stated in the past, masking antisemitism as anti-Zionism is a lie to the world. They are one in the same. The comments made by McClennand are antisemitic. Even the comment made by Progressive Bloggers regarding his removal was antisemitic.

Warren Kinsella once wrote an article about how the political nature of antisemitism began as a right wing notion and has since moved to the left. This is entirely true. The left has given up on the Jewish race and denied the right of Israel to exist altogether; many going as far as to deny the Holocaust. This was blatantly evidenced during the recent war with the Hizbollah.

Those who deny their antisemitic views as simple anti-Zionism are masking the true point. This is racism. The sooner the world realizes this, the sooner we might reach some manner of peace.


Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

Alright, Jordan... I've had some issues with you on things.. but this one takes the cake:

Explain to me how the Prog Bloggers statement on Robert's removal was anti-semitic.. that is the most ridiculous statement I've ever seen.

5:43 PM  
Blogger Anthony said...


you are ridiculous

the common thing between sexism racism agism and homophobia is there is an irrational level of hatred for people.

It is unbased and shouldnt be there.

The statements you have made today are so discriminatory, that if you were on Prog Blog, I would have the moderators put your blog to a vote as well.

Progressive thinking is that intolerance itself is bad not because of the target of intolerance but the root of it.

To get rid of intolerance, getting rid of the intolerant people will not be enough. Stamping out intolerant thinking involves everybody realizing they are all the same.

5:57 PM  
Blogger audacious said...

what cracker jack box did you get these ideas from?

6:25 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

YES!" Of course, Jews have a better understand of antisemitism.

Only some Jews apparently. Chomsky's opinions apparently do not count.

The left has given up on the Jewish race and denied the right of Israel to exist altogether;

How pathetically ridiculous. You do realise you've taken that oh so tolerant tone you pretend to speak with and in one stroke painted an entire group of people?

The lack of objectivity in this and other posts you refer too is really disturbing to me.

I'm not condoning the language or sentiment used by RM. I don't actually read his blog, but this hyper-reaction to such comments, I find really disturbing.

6:42 PM  
Blogger andrewridgeley said...

As a secular humanist, liberal interventionist who supported Ehud Olmert's actions this summer and believes Israel is a great nation, I think this entry is completely ridiculous.

7:11 PM  
Blogger Luke said...

I'm not a fan of Cherniak, but he needs a better defense than this.

Had Cherniak simply said "I am Jewish, so I'm right about this issue" I would've tuned him out. But he didn't. He made a complete argument that quoted case law, history, references and context to the situation he talked about. The complaint arises from a quote taken out of context. This comes at the end of a long and detailed argument.

"It would have been easy for me to write this post as if it were about "racism" in general. I know there are many people who would prefer that. Why do I not speak out for all minorities instead of just Jews? I suppose I can only say that as a Jew, I have a better understanding of anti-Semitism than others might."

Others see him as saying that he's Jewish so his opinion's superior. I see him saying that he's not qualified to speak on racism against other races, but this is one he's close to.

Jordan, being Jewish does not mean you understand anti-semitism better than anybody else. It gives you an added perspective, although that is countered by your emotional involvement and possible bias in a complex issue.

I don't think you're defending Cherniak at all by saying "Of course, Jews have a better understand of antisemitism." There are non-Jewish people (for example, professors who have devoted their whole lives to the study of racism) who could teach you a lot.

8:50 PM  
Blogger Jordan said...

To scott tribe:
Does this mean I'm off the list of new potential 'Progressive Bloggers?'

"He's not an anti-semite [sic], or an active promoter of anti-Jewish hatred--he just tends to "perceive an entire 'race' of people in a certain way" and makes statements referencing the Holocaust."

This comment is untrue. Now, I in no way to pretend to know Mr. McClelland personally, however, his comments both recently and in the past have demonstrated that he is. The reference to Jews as 'race' is antisemitic. The very use of quotations denies the Jewish people as a distinct race. That is untrue. That is antisemitism.

To antonio:
I appreciate your opinion. And I hope you enjoy the ideal world in which there is no intolerance. The rest of us have to live in this one.

To luke:
I am well aware of everything you have stated. However, I must disagree. Jews, as a whole, do have a better understanding of antisemitism than anyone else. Just as I stated prior, the same can be said of women with sexism and those in the LGBT community with homophobia.

9:30 PM  
Blogger Oxford County Liberals said...

You didnt answer the question. How did the statement released by Progressive Bloggers qualify as anti-semitic?

Just because you think Robert is anti-semitic and the moderators decided as as group we didn't think so, or that there at worst was insufficient evidence to claim it?

As for being off the list. I dont make the call. The moderators vote on it.. and Wayne approves or denies it. But between your agreeing with Harper that "Dion and the Liberals are soft on terror" and now this incredulous statement.. you certainly aren't getting my ringing endorsement.

Tell me when you've switched to the Conservative Party.. because you look half way there to me.

12:00 AM  
Blogger Jordan said...

I believed I explained how the use of quotations around the word race denies the fact that Jews are an independent race and mocks a religious belief. That is antisemitic.

12:09 AM  
Blogger Erik said...

Every statement Jason made was entirely correct.

You lost me here. I couldn't even say that about myself....

1:09 AM  
Blogger canuckistanian said...

i can't believe the blatant anti-semitism of progblog moderators...i mean, they have the audacity to put a quotation mark around the word race; clearly implying that jewish people are not an independent race. lol, great argument there buddy ;-). i can't believe i'm agreeing with antonio again, but you are ridiculous.

luke certainly made a great argument as to why your jewsihness doesn't give you a better understanding of anti-semitism; an argument you have provided ample evidence for in this and other posts.

"The left has given up on the Jewish race and denied the right of Israel to exist altogether; many going as far as to deny the Holocaust. This was blatantly evidenced during the recent war with the Hizbollah."

huhh???? dude, you almost sound as crazy as people who decry the global jewish cabal that has taken over the world.

1:10 PM  
Blogger Dr.Dawg said...

It's anti-Semitic to refer to the Jews as a race. The Nazis did that. Race is a nugatory concept: what is being hidden in the use of the term is the racialization of groups of people.

By pushing the notion of Jews as a race, Jordan lays himself open to the charge of anti-Semitism.

2:36 PM  

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