The Jordan Glass Times

New issues will be released whenever I have something to say.

Location: Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

I am a twenty one year old student currently in my fourth year of a double major in history and political science with a minor in religious studies. I was raised in Thornhill and now now live in the beautiful Northern Ontario city of Sudbury. I am proudly political. Which you will have no problem noticing. You will also find that I am proudly Zionist and proudly Liberal. Of note; my opinions are not reflective of any candidate I may be attached to, nor are they intended to insult or be libelous to any person, place, or thing.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Rona Ambrose new Cheif

So no one else is talking about it, so why don't I just bring it up.

It seems that most Liberals are too busy paying attention to leadership to such an extent that only our interim leader Bill Graham noticed enough to make a fuss about it. It seems Rona Ambrose has named former Conservative candidate in Richmond and president of Focus on the Family, Darrel Reid her new Cheif of Staff.

Now for those that forget Mr. Reid was the man who once challenged Muslims to prove that their religion was one of peace and compared Ottawa to Nazi Germany for holding a vote on equal marriage. Now correct me if I'm wrong (and perhaps the Tories out there can respond to this) but isn't the Conservative Party supposed to be moderating? Or is this just some more of that hidden agenda I smell?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is true, very good catch on your behalf. I will do some more digging into this.

8:57 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

Harper was questioned about this in QP, by Graham, specifically the Nazi comment. Harper's response was something like, "this party believes that every religion has the right to practice its faith". That's paraphrashed, but my reaction was, What???

The other thing I heard was that Reid does not believe in climate change..perfect fit don't you think!

BTW, one other blog did mention this today and I apologise to him, because I cannot remember which blog it was.

That said, I'm glad this appointment is getting more attention.

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the Conservatives should have appointed Steve Ellis?

9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're right. They should not have hired him because he belongs to a particular religion.

9:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am still waiting for some kind of indication that Islam is a "religion of peace" and have done extensive research on this topic. I was even hoping that it was just the fanatics....but the "moderates" are silent too...

The Pope's quote regarding violence in Islam and the spreading of the religion by force (gee, like in Somalia, Darfur, Indonesia, Phillipines, Iraq, Afghanistan...) and they "protest" by killing a nun and burning down churches!! Muslims in the Middle East have become the "perpetually outraged" and use any/every excuse to continue the spread of their war on terror.

You guys should really get your heads out of your....


Reid is absolutley right to question Islam, there is significant amounts of evidence (past, present, and probably future) that this religion is anything but "peaceful", it's quite simply a death cult!

10:09 PM  
Blogger wilson said...

Do you Libs ever give thought to; when attacking a person due to their being Christian, that you are pushing Christian Liberals (voters)towards the Conservative Party of Canada?
How do Christian Liberal MPs take to this kind of bashing? Are they ashamed of their Christianity or their Party?

12:36 AM  
Blogger Jordan said...

You'll have to explain to me how this was an attack on Christianity. You do remember his comparison of Ottawa to 1939 Berlin, right? So, please explain to me where any one religion in this post was attacked.

10:13 AM  
Blogger Neo Conservative said...

turns out bill graham slandered the wrong guy. how's that for a joke... only i'm guessing his victim isn't laughing.

you call a man a homophobe and a racist in the national media and call for his firing and then, wait for it... you think you should get credit for offering an apology after someone points out you were completely mistaken.

yup... it's a liberal thing.

11:08 PM  
Blogger Jordan said...

Understood. However, the comments made in comparing Ottawa to the Nazi regime [b]were actually[/b] made by Mr. Reid. The statement still stands. Mr. Reid should never have been hired by this supposed kinder gentler Tory government.

12:56 AM  

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